Hale Koa Hotel
Hale Koa is a military hotel here in Hawaii. It is located in Waikiki. It serves the military members and their families. It consists of 11 floors, with 36 rooms per floor.
General Contractor: Haskell Architects and Engineers, P.A.
Project Manager: Matthew Garman
Duration: July 2017 to March 2019
Final contract value: $14,582,051.00
This project is a design-build project for the U.S. Government
Scope of work:
1. Replace all plumbing fixtures in 396 hotel rooms
a. Convert showers to cast iron shower pans
b. Replace all water closets, lavatories, and shower valves
c. 44 ea ADA units
2. Replace storm drain risers in guest rooms and mains above lobby ceiling
3. Replace Sovent stacks in guest rooms
a. Convert from tub to shower
4. Replace main sewer lines above lobby ceiling
5. Replace all riser shut off valves above lobby ceiling
6. Replace entire hot water system
a. 3 ea hot water storage tanks
b. 1 ea gas boiler
c. 1 ea heat pump
1. Replace 396 vertical stacked FCUs in guest rooms
a. Upgrade to DDC thermostats
b. Addition of lanai door switches to meet energy code requirements
2. Replace chilled water insulation on chilled water mains above lobby ceiling
3. Replace 800 ton cooling system consisting of 2 ea chillers, 2 ea cooling towers, primary looped chilled water pumps and condenser water pumps
4. Replace exterior galvanized condenser water pipe with HDPE pipe utilizing Victaulic mechanical couplings
5. Upgrade DDC system for Maile and Ilima Towers
6. Replace rooftop AHUs serving common areas
Project challenges
1. Original Request for Proposal specified that the work is to be performed floor by floor. Due to the scope of work, the challenge would be replacing the plumbing and HVAC while maintaining use of the building for guests. This mean shut down and draining of the risers daily and constant service interruptions. With the help of the General Contractor, Haskell, the schedule was revised to work on half of the hotel at a time, leaving one half fully operational for guests to use. This allowed all of the utilities, water, waste, HVAC to be completely shut down during each of the phases.
2. The cooling towers were built in such a way that there were existing concrete trusses installed above the cooling towers to act as sound baffles. This eliminated the possibility of hoisting them out vertically. We were able to design a steel “table” that was used to drag the cooling towers out of the enclosure, allowing the crane enough clearance to hoist the old one away and the new one into place. Since the hotel was half unoccupied, the system was able to be run on 50% and one cooling tower was replaced at a time.